Thursday, July 23, 2009

The start of a new week.

Well i weighed in yesterday morning at 200.4lbs grrr so i put my foot down and stayed eating good and NO soda yesterday adn today i am at 198.2lbs yay. So right now i am eating a nice healthy bowl of kix with bananas and skim milk and i am gonna try and do thi sthe right way.... I feel good and poitive besides i think i ate almost everything i wanted over the last few weeks so i am not really dying for any bad food. I also walked almost all day yesterday out side... Now i just need to get in a few workouts a week and try and tighten my belly and love handles caude they were getting bigger so i am very poitive this week.\

And thanks Krystle for reading my blog lol no i don't drink ANY water i know i need to start the taste is just so blah lol.

1 comment:

  1. Becky, just add some of the low or no calorie flaors. They are really bad for you though!! They almost all cause cancer in lab rats, I wouldn't drink 'em... so here's what I do...
    You HAVE to drink 8 8 oz. glasses a day. That's NOT alot. Buy an 8 oz. glass, get a cheap one at Walmart, and just down one of them 8 times a day. Fill it, chug it, leave by the sink, do it again, 8 times and you're done. You will feel alot better, it helps your skin, AND helps you feel full. I hate water, but our bodies are 70% water, we NEED it... You can do it. It's easier for me to do it this way than any other way I've tried.
